Azamgarh police arrested a nasty criminal during an encounter on Sunday morning. Police confronted the criminal near the Mangai river on Mehnagar-Chhatwara route. Scumbag was taken to district hospital for treatment. The caught scumbag was sought by many police stations.
Mehnagar police station searched for wanted criminals on Sunday morning. The police crew was at the Mangai river bridge on Mehnagar Chhatwara Marg when they received information that a nasty history-sheeter criminal was likely to cross. On which the police crew waited for the troublemaker at the bridge.
After that, a biker scumbag arrived. After the police told him to stop, he ran towards Mohammadpur-Niyamatpur village on the pitch road. When the cops chased him, he halted near the kiln and fired on them. The cops also responded. In which the savage felon was shot in the leg. The police team then captured him. Hatwa Aima police station Mehnagar resident Indrajit Yadav alias Pattar Yadav was shot by the police. Many police stations desire Indrajit. He was sought by police.