Muzaffarnagar. In Shravan, crores of Kavadis collect holy Ganga water from Haridwar and travel to their local pagodas to perform Lord Ashutosh’s Jalabhishek. Triyodashi and Chaturdashi started rising in Muzaffarnagar district around 7.30 pm on Friday and 9.45 am today, respectively. Shiva worshippers wait in enormous lines at Shiva temples for water.
Bhole’s cheers resonate across Shiv Chowk. By adding two extra lines surrounding the shrine, worshippers can see Shiv Shankar this time. For Bhole’s devotees’ safety, strict measures have been taken. Security at Shiv Chowk includes RRF and police teams. Baba grants wishes to people who pray to him in Shiv Chowk’s shrine with sincerity.