Lucknow. On Saturday, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath delivered appointment letters to individuals selected by the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission and Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission. The Chief Minister gave appointment letters to 66 Review Officers, 204 Instructors (Technical Education Department), and 130 Junior Assistants (Public Works Department) (total 400).
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath stated that we are implementing the Prime Minister’s vision. Mission employment remains. Uttar Pradesh job discrimination has ended. Now nepotism doesn’t work. Discrimination in hiring existed before 2017. Transparent hiring is now the norm.
Six lakh appointments were made in Uttar Pradesh in the past six years, according to the Chief Minister. Courts no longer adjudicate appointments. Fairness is being observed. The selection commission doesn’t ask anymore.
Yogi Adityanath said that Uttar Pradesh would become the nation’s largest economy. Here, new occupations are created. Uttar Pradesh kids are gaining jobs in their own state. UP’s MSME sector was rebranded. The identification dilemma for UP residents is over.
Technical Education Minister Ashish Patel and State Public Works Minister Jitin Prasad also attended.