Indirapuram, Ghaziabad bouncers committed hooliganism. 5 bouncers allegedly beat 3 Delhi girls and their pals in Indirapuram. He was badly hurt.
At 4 am on Saturday at TOD restaurant in D-Mall, Shakti Khand-2, Indirapuram, Delhi girls urged the restaurateur to play a song, which led to a fight. The restaurant bouncer then beat the friend who came with the 3 girls. Bouncers broke boys’ ribs. The females called 112 during the incident, but the bouncers escaped before the cops arrived.
A girl from Seelampuri, Delhi, came with two relatives, girls and boys, for a Techno Night dance party in the restaurant on Friday night. The girls requested their favourite DJ from the crew. On which the restaurant demanded Rs 500 for one song and the girls provided Rs 1500 for three songs, but the restaurateurs did not play the songs, starting a disagreement. The bouncers went there and started fighting without thinking.
After the incident, police arrested Paravasundhara Sector-10 eatery owner Raunak for beating and threatening to kill the females. Thus, the restaurant was shuttered for operating unlawfully after midnight.