Kotwal Saheb told Kavadiya, “I will take him home after hitting him with shoes.” Greater Noida: A viral video is sweeping social media. The video shows a station in-charge mistreating Kanwariya. The footage shows him telling Kavadia, “I will take you home by hitting my shoes.” After its video quickly went popular on social media, Gautam Budh Nagar Police Commissioner Laxmi Singh requested a departmental inquiry. In Greater Noida, Kotwal Saheb told SHO’s spoiled Bolkavadiya, “I will take him home by hitting him with shoes.” The police commissioner ordered an inquiry @noidapolice. (@mayank_tawer) #GreaterNoida QIfstIFwlA —ICNN July 16, 2023 DCP statement The DCP claimed Kavadia’s water-offering location is contested. It’s never had water. Some were forcing water. The atmosphere suffers. He said SDM and ACP had gone to the site and notified all stakeholders that no new religious place could be built without prior approval. Kavadiya offered water at the disputed site. He said a Sadopur Chidoli village Kavadiya Tara was trying to offer water there. which the village and police-administration are continuously explaining to him. It offered water at the contested site today. It was stopped because it could have disrupted community order.