Sutyana village has received Rs 3 lakh Jhansi Kavad. After 60 days of labour, the locals created this lovely tableau. Kavad production cost 3 lakh rupees. The villagers handcrafted this tableau Kavad. Vinod Jainhar said Jhansi’s Kavad took 60 days. Villagers helped make this magnificent Kavad. It was a gorgeous kanwar after the villager worked on it day and night. Malkhan Kashyap, a villager, said the Kavad cost Rs 3 lakh. The peasants created kanwar without support from Haridwar or Roorkee, which is unusual. After labouring day and night, he bought and made all the things. Jagbir, a Haridwar-based Kavad villager, claims 40 people travelled to Kavad Yatra this season. The Jhansi Kavad arrived after three nights and four days. Kanwar has visited the village five times. First Kavad cost Rs 2.50 lakh. Second Kavad cost roughly Rs 3 lakh. The third kanwar cost Rs 2.80 lakh and the fourth Rs 3.20 lakh. This time, a Rs 3 lakh Kavad was brought, which would have cost Rs 4 lakh if constructed abroad.
Noida Police Implements Traffic Management System To Reduce Congestion In Noida
The daily traffic congestion in Noida wastes time, money, and stress. The district will improve traffic flow within the seven rings of Noida and Greater Noida as part...